忙しい彼女たちは実習の合間や勉強の合間にがんばって通ってくれました。笑顔がステキな3人組。Meguriは東大病院へ、Eminaは聖路加病院へ、Naomiは福岡の病院へ(Sorry! forgot to ask her the name of the hospital)、それぞれプロのドクターとして新たな春がはじまります。
あの人懐っこいスマイルに癒されました。We will miss your fantastic smiles!!
Yuukaは6年間エスタミネーに通ってくれました。エスタミネー英語教室高校生の前代未聞のTOEICスコア700点という金字塔を建て北九州大学でさらに英語の勉強をし、将来は留学もする予定で希望に満ちた春です。横に立っているママ(She is not her sister! How can she be so young to be a mom of an 18 year old girl!?)も実は英語が堪能です。将来世界のどこかで一緒にお茶したいなぁ〜❤
私も迷いに迷って購入!もらったレシートを見ると「朴さん」との文字。話を聞くと実はそれまでずっと話をしていたオーナー、兼デザイナーの彼女は生粋の中国人!!まったく気づかなかったし・・It was amazingly perfect Japanese! Nobody noticed she was Chinese!
Period: 2 consecutive semesters; Spring and Fall 2011-12
Participants: 222 second year Nigata Prefectural University students.
Pre and Post Tests used: Q-Lex item (word) recognition speed test. TOEFL language proficiency test.
調査前後し使用されたテスト:Q-Lex語彙認識スピードテスト TOEFLテスト
Shared Curriculum: 230 hours of classroom instruction plus 40 hours of assignments.
Experimental group variable: 147 students studied the shared curriculum and used WordEngine about 10 minutes per day.
実験群変数:147人が共通のカリキュラムを受講し1日に 10分Word Engineで学習
Control group: 75 students studied the shared curriculum but did not use WordEngine.
対照群:75人が共通のカリキュラムを受講しWord Engineは使用していない
Summary of Q-Lex Findings: Q-Lex試験の結果 Control Group: Item recognition speed did not increase.
Experimental Group: Item recognition speed increased 5 times over pre-test level.
Summary of TOEFL Findings: TOEFLテストの結果 Control Group: TOEFL scores increased 33 points on average.
Experimental Group: TOEFL scores increased 48 points on average. (45% higher than control). However, score increases for Intermediate and Advanced learners were much higher than 45%. See chart below.
On a cold day in Kobe, Japan, FIFA’s world footballer of the year practices with her club team - in the stands dozens of adoring fans anxious to catch a glimpse of 33 years old Homare Sawa.
This is a new norm for Sawa, five World Cups, three Olympics, a life time in the sport, but nothing could have prepared for her for that single moment in July when Japan still reeling for its worst natural disaster, Sawa and a team of underdogs lifted the World Cup trophy and their nation from grief.
Up until then, we’d never won against teams like Germany and the US. and we were never confident that we could win against them. It wasn’t just me there. My teammates were also feeling like we couldn’t lose. Maybe we felt this way because Japan was giving us power.
Was it because you saw the pictures of the disaster? Did you feel that that’s what it was?
I’m not sure, but we definitely felt like we had so many people’s powers supporting us.
The Olympic hopes of Japan’s national sides still rests with Sawa. While she’s grown up with the pressure of being the best, after last year’s World Cup win, she now has the attention of her country and a new found celebrity status.
People ask me that a lot. We haven’t won a medal of Olympics, but because we have won the World Cup, many teams will analyze us and take note of us. I’m
proud about winning the World Cup, but I don’t feel much pressure.