Friday, October 22, 2010

Draconian Laws

論文速読のクラスでコロンビア大学の経済学者Jeffrey Sachsのこの本を読んでいて、先日、 "...Western governments enforced draconian budget policies in Africa during the 1980s and 1990s..."というくだりがありました。生徒さんはもちろん辞書でdraconianというのを引き、その意味は「厳しい、過酷な」ということを理解しており、この文章の意味は「1980-1990年代に西洋諸国政府は、アフリカで過酷な低予算の政策を強行した。」となります。


Draco or Dracon 621 B.C.

Athenian politician and law codifier. Of his customary law only the section dealing with involuntary homicide is preserved. From this and from later accounts in the writings of Aristotle and Plutarch, it appears that in Athens the penalty of death was prescribed for the most trivial offense. The code adopted the principle that murder must be punished by the state and not by vendetta. Though the code was considerably ameliorated by solon, its name became a synonym for harsh legislation.

