Saturday, November 6, 2010

Festival of Lights, Diwali ヒンズー教の新年のお祝いの日


Deepavali (also spelled Divali in few countries) or Diwali[1], popularly known as the festival of lights, is an important five-day festival inHinduism, Jainism, and Sikhism, occurring between mid-October and mid-November. For Hindus, Diwali is the most important festival of the year and is celebrated in families by performing traditional activities together in their homes. Deepavali is an official holiday in India,[2]Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Mauritius, Guyana, Trinidad & Tobago, Suriname, Malaysia, Singapore, and Fiji.


The name Diwali is itself a contraction of the word "Deepavali" (Sanskrit: दीपावली Dīpāvalī), which translates into row of lamps.[3] Diwali involves the lighting of small clay lamps (diyas) (or dīpa in Sanskrit: दीप) filled with oil to signify the triumph of good over evil. During Diwali, all the celebrants wear new clothes and share sweets and snacks with family members and friends. Most Indian business communities begin the financial year on the first day of Diwali.

(Diwaliという呼び名自体が"Deepavali (サンスクリット語दीपावली Dīpāvalī)"を短縮したもので「ランプの列」という意味である。Diwaliのときは、油が入った小さな陶器のランプ(diyas)を点け悪に対して善が勝利することを表す。Diwaliのときはみな新しい服を身に着け家族や友人たちと甘いものなどを一緒に食する。大半のインドのビジネスはDiwaliの初日に会計年度が始まる)
